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Renowned Speakers

Javier Fiz Perez

Javier Fiz Perez

Professor of Psychology, European University of Rome Italy

Jennifer O’Connell

Jennifer O’Connell

O’Connell Nominees Pty Ltd Australia Australia

Timothy E A Barrett

Timothy E A Barrett

University of the West Indies School of Clinical Medicine and Research Bahamas

Verena Hein

Verena Hein

Coaching Practice 4academy Germany

Wael Salame

Wael Salame

Lebanese American University- Rizk Hospital Lebanon

Thomas E Schlaepfer

Thomas E Schlaepfer

University of Bonn Germany

Lívia S S Valentin

Lívia S S Valentin

University of São Paulo School of Medicine Brazil

Tulio Otero

Tulio Otero

Chicago School of Professional Psychology USA

Psychiatry Congress 2021

About Psychiatry Congress 2021

Conference Series LLC Ltd is one among the major open access platforms which organizes a series of 3000+ International Events with 800+ international conferences every year across USA, Europe, & Asia. With a great support from 1000+ scientific societies, world renowned scientist, Noble Laureates, scholars and students, we have reached 25 million professionals and corporate entities all over the globe.

We take the pleasure to proudly present “2nd Global Conclave on Psychiatrists and Psychology Researches” during October 18-19, 2021 at New York,USA .This Conference mainly focuses on Psychiatry, Psychology, Mental Health, Psychiatric disorders or Psychological syndromes and therapies with the theme “Exploring Innovative Therapies to Achieve Mental Wellness".

You will be getting an opportunity towards:

  • Keynote Presentations
  • Workshops/ Symposia
  • Oral Presentations
  • Video Presentations
  • Young Researchers Forum (YRF)
  • Exhibitions/ Sponsorship
  • Poster Presentations/ E-posters
  • Media Partnership/ Collaborations

 Who should attend?

Annual Psychiatry Congress is an annual meeting of renowned Psychiatrists as well as Psychological committees, Psychologists, Mental health practitioners, Nurses, Medical Officers, Doctors, Neurologists, Head of Psychiatry Organizations, Professors, PhD scholars, Young Researchers, Students and interested participants. This conference is primarily focused to discuss the future of the Psychiatry, Psychological Syndromes, advancements, therapy and issues we are facing in the field of Psychiatry with mutual collaborations and organizational development.

Why to attend?

Our aim is to make 2nd Global Conclave on Psychiatrists and Psychology Researches a great success with world class talks & discussions among the international keynote speakers, speakers, researchers and etc. With an immense support from distinguished professionals in the field of Psychology and Psychiatry, Public Health professionals, Mental Health Professionals, NGO Workers, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, Psychiatry researchers, we are featuring many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by reputed psychiatrists from all over the world which makes our conference the best of other psychiatry conferences.

Annual Psychiatry Congress Highlights includes:

  • Keynote sessions by eminent and renowned researchers
  • Outstanding speaker sessions
  • International accredited certificates
  • All accepted abstracts for this Conference will be published in the respective International Journals
  • Abstracts will be published with DOI number by Cross Ref
  • Registrants will get 75% abatement on manuscript publication fees

Speaker and Abstract pages created in Google under your name will attract worldwide acknowledgment to your profile and research and it will be visible to 35K researchers across the globe

  • Special recognition for Young Researchers
  • One on One Meeting with top Psychiatrists
  • Symposia and Workshop sessions by distinguished Psychiatrists
  • Meetings with Top Industrial Representations
  • Special awards for Speakers and Poster Presentations
  • Group Registration benefits

We warmly welcome your presence at New York,USA and explore your research and the beautiful city as well..!!!


Sessions and Tracks

Track 1: Mental Health:
Psychological wellness is the mental state of somebody who is working at a more significant level of enthusiastic and conduct condition. More prominent than 200 ordered types of psychological maladjustment conditions are there. Psychological wellness incorporates a person's capability to appreciate life and make a harmony between ordinary life exercises and endeavors to accomplish human strength. It is significant in each phase of life, including youth and puberty through adulthood. Half of the emotional wellness conditions start at 14 and the rest of the conditions create by age of 24. Avoidance of mental issue at the youthful age may altogether diminish the hazard that a youngster will endure in the later life.

  • Child and adolescent mental health
  • School Mental Health
  • HIV and mental health
  • Psychology and mental health
  • Religious beliefs and mental health
  • Mental health services and policies
  • Human rights and mental health legislation
  • e-Mental health and self-help
Related Conferences: Mental Health Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Psychology Conferences | Addiction Meetings

Track 2: Psychology & Psychiatry:
Psychiatry is characterized as a proactive and positive way to deal with living that builds strength to worry by advancing life parity and happiness. It basically worries about keeping up mental, enthusiastic and physical wellbeing. Concentrating on emotional well-being and wellbeing it is especially significant for individuals in danger for social wellbeing conditions. Individuals with mental or substance use issue commonly pass on prior. Changes in one's musings regularly oblige changes in our psychological wellness. It is dictated by and large examples of musings, feelings, practices and body responses. Having a decent emotional well-being is probably going to help secure against improvement of numerous issues.
  • Epidemiology of resilience
  • Family resilience
  • Psychological stress
  • Resilience development programs

Related Conferences: Annual Psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conferences | Addiction Meetings

Track 3: Human Resilience:
Human Resilience has been named as a person's capacity to adjust for pressure and misfortune. Strength is one's capacity to bob once again from a negative condition. It very well may be scholarly and for all intents and purposes created by any person. It developed as a significant hypothetical and research arranged subject from the investigations of offspring of schizophrenic moms. Various types of ways to deal with flexibility building have been created, assembling consideration basically on the hypothesis and practice of sane emotive conduct treatment, intellectual social treatment. A rising field in the investigation of versatility is the neurological premise of psychiatry.

  • Psychological resilience
  • Biological models of resilience
  • Approaches to resilience
  • Resilience and ability

Related Conferences: Annual Psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conferences | Addiction Meetings

Track 4: Mental Disorders:
There are numerous causes to get mental scatters. Person's qualities and family ancestry may assume an essential job in our life. Organic components can likewise be a piece of this. Awful mind injury can prompt a genuine mental brokenness. A mother's presentation to infections or lethal synthetic concoctions during pregnancy may have an impact in getting mental turmoil. Different elements may build the opportunity of hazard, for example, illicit drug use. Meds and directing can assist with relieving numerous psychological issue. Various types of mental issue like uneasiness issue, discouragement, mind-set issue, character issue, insane clutters, over the top urgent issue, post-horrible pressure issue, substance misuse.

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Autism and Severe Developmental Disorders
  • Complex attachment disorders
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Movement disorders
  • Eating disorders
Related Conferences: Annual Psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conferences | Addiction Meetings
Track 5: Clinical Psychology:
Clinical Psychology research is a part of brain research which manages reasonable utilization of research and associated with the analysis and treatment of psychological sickness. The experts, clinical analysts characterize their essential exercises in three primary headings, which incorporates treatment and research. Clinical analysts are had practical experience in conduct treatment, analysis, bunch treatment and family treatment. Research is pivotal in clinical brain research as their preparation in test clinical preliminaries and factual strategies and subsequently clinical analysts are significant members in the investigations of psychological well-being care.
  • Counselling psychology
  • Applied psychology
  • Experimental psychology
Related Conferences: Psychiatric Research Conferences | Medical Psychology Conferences | Biological Psychiatry | Psychiatrists Meetings

Track 6: Child Abuse:
A complex set of practices that incorporate youngster disregard and the physical, enthusiastic and sexual maltreatment of kids. Kid misuse incorporates punching, beating, kicking, gnawing, consuming, shaking, or in any case truly hurting a youngster. Wounds that can be deadly incorporate serious head injury, singing, consumes, suffocating, suffocation, injury to the guts and harming. Youngster misuse ought to be accounted for, explored, and halted.

  • Child homicide
  • Domestic violence
  • Abusive minds
  • Sexual abuse

Related Conferences: Annual Psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conferences | Addiction Meetings

Track 7: Women Mental Health:
Psychological well-being is a basic piece of a woman’s general prospectus. Some mental health conditions happens all the more from time to time in ladies and can anticipate a basic part in the condition of a lady's general thriving. 29 million American ladies, or around 23 percent of the female masses, have encountered diagnosable mental flourishing related strife in the most recent year alone. Comparative measure of male and female encountering energetic medical problems universally, yet two or three issues are more major in female than male. Assorted social segments put ladies at more certifiable danger of poor eager wellbeing than men. Regardless, ladies' status to discuss their emotions and their solid easygoing affiliations can make sure about their psychological thriving.

  • Treatment Issues for women with mental Illness
  • Women & psychiatric disorders
  • Mental status examination
  • Womens mental health in special populations

Related Conferences: Annual Psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conferences | Addiction Meetings

Track 8: Paediatric psychiatry:
Pediatric psychiatry is a strength inside psychiatry working with youngsters and youngsters up to the age of 18, and their families. Filling in as a pediatric specialist gives a chance to have a noteworthy effect to the lives of the people to come. It is a fascinating certainty which has seen enormous advancements in the course of the most recent two decades. Youngster psychiatry joins the rigors and study of medication, with the craftsmanship and innovativeness of treatment. The capacity to examining for youngsters and improve open psychological wellness both are adding measurements to the work that mean the potential outcomes are productive.

  • Child psychiatry
  • Adolescent medicine

Related Conferences: Annual Psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Neurology Conferences | Addiction Meetings

Track 9:  Addiction Psychiatry:
There is certain reason behind addiction. In the case of drugs, alcohol and nicotine, these substances affect the way we feel, both physically and mentally. These feelings can be repeated and create a powerful urge to use the substances again. To get a better mental health condition we need to addict towards good deeds.

  • Alcohol & drugs
  • Drug and alcohol cultural issues
  • Food and other addictions
  • Phone and internet addictive behaviors

Related Conferences: Annual psychiatry Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Psychology Conferences | Psychosis Meetings | Neurology Congress

Track 10: Geriatric Psychiatry:
Geriatric Psychiatry is the part of Psychology devoted to the examination and the consideration of mental issue in old matured individuals. Such clutters incorporate melancholy, dementia, wooziness, subjective scatters and social unsettling influences, psychosis, nervousness, substance misuse and rest issue. A portion of these issues may have gone ahead just in the later years.

  • Geriatric counselling
  • Geriatric nursing
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Dementia

Related Conferences: Mental Health Conferences | Psychiatry Conferences | Psychology Conferences | Psychosis Meetings | Neurology Congress

Market Analysis

The global psychiatrist’s market was valued at $795.1 billion in 2017. North America was the largest geographic region accounting for $380.1 billion or 47.8% of the global market. The USA was the largest country accounting for $318.8 billion or 40% of the global psychiatrist’s market.

The global market for antipsychotic drugs was worth $80.5 billion in 2010 and that value is worth to be $88.3 billion in 2015. The global Behavioural health software market in 2014 is $0.75 billion and is expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2020.

According to BBC research the global market for drugs treating mental disorders was valued as $70.1 billion in 2012 and is estimated to have declined slightly to nearly $69 billion in 2013 and by 2018 it aims the market growth approximately to $77.1 billion.

Rise in stress condition, emotional and psychological pressure increases the demand for psychiatric therapies and antipsychotic drugs. According to WHO, 350 million population is suffering from psychiatric disorders and depression. Also around 24 million of the population is diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Thus sky rocketing the demand and market growth. Following table shows the antipsychotic drug count prescribed by psychologists.

Digital psychotherapy is a major trend in psychiatrists’ market. The digital age has entered in the area of psychotherapy. This is called digital psychotherapy. Digital psychotherapy enables people with disabilities and people in remote areas to have access to therapy and education of their problems. Some counsellors are already using this technology to hold therapy sessions.

Psychiatrists Market Global Report 2019 from The Business Research Company provides the strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global psychiatrists market.

The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market's historic and forecast market growth by geography.

It places the market within the context of the wider healthcare market and compares it with other markets.

The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market.

• The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market and forecasting the future. Drivers and restraints looks at the external factors supporting and controlling the growth of the market.

• Market segmentations break down market into sub markets.

• The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers all the regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets. It draws comparisons with country populations and economies to understand the importance of the market by country and how this is changing.

• Competitive landscape gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified.

• The trends and strategies section highlights the likely future developments in the market and suggests approaches companies can take to exploit this.

• The psychiatrist’s market section of the report gives context. It compares the psychiatrists market with other segments of the psychiatrists market by size and growth, historic and forecast. It analyses Expenditure Per Capita, The Psychiatrists Market Indicators Comparison.

Importance & Scope: According to WHO,Psychiatry is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential and can cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and are able to contribute to his or her community. Psychological Syndrome is the health condition that is characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, and behaviour that is associated with distress or impaired functioning. Mental disorders contribute to problems that may include disability, pain, or death.

Globally, depression affects about 400 million, dementia affects about 35 million, while Schizophrenia which affects about 21 million people. Unipolar (also known as Major) depressive disorder is the third leading cause of disability worldwide, of any condition mental or physical, accounting for 65.5 million years lost. Overall list, responsible for 23.7 million DALYs globally, while other drug-use disorders accounted for 8.4 million. Schizophrenia causes a total loss of 16.8 million DALY, and bipolar disorder 14.4 million. Panic disorder leads to 7 million years lost, obsessive-compulsive disorder 5.1, primary insomnia 3.6, and post-traumatic stress disorder 3.5 million daily. Over one’s entire lifetime, the average American has a 47.4 percent chance of having any kind of mental health disorder. It has been reported that, in Germany, depression is ten times more frequent.

Target Audience:

1. Psychiatrists

2. Psychotherapists

3. Psychologists

4. Specialists

5. Researchers

6. Health care professionals

7. Professors

8. Industrial Experts

9. Neuropsychiatrists

10. Mental health Nurses

11. Neurologists

12. Nutritional Scientists

13. Lecturers and Students from Academia

14. Students from Academia in the research of Psychology

Related Companies/Industries:

1. Eli Lilly

2. AstraZeneca GlaxoSmithKline

3. Pfizer

4. Wyeth

5. Universal Health Services Inc.

6. Astellas Pharma Inc.

7. Johnson & Johnson

8. Bristol-Meyer Squibb

Related Associations and Societies:

1. Afghanistan National Psychiatrist Association

2. Albanian Psychiatric Association

3. American Psychiatric Association

4.  Austrian Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

5. Indian Psychiatric Society

6. Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia

7. Spanish Society of Psychiatry

8. Swedish Psychiatric Association

9. Yemen Psychiatrists & Neurologists Association


Visa Requirements

Participation / presentation option


Conference series has taken an initiative to felicitate attendees with awards to recognise, celebrate and encourage achievement in its various conferences and events. We salute and acknowledge attainment within an industry that is continuously evolving and re-drawing the boundaries of best practice. These awards represent the pinnacle of professional achievement for event professionals. To win an award you will have been endorsed by our illustrious panel of the foremost industry professionals which is a sure-fire signifier of your formidable credentials.

Outstanding Speaker in Psychiatry Congress 2021: This award recognises academic and business speakers for their excellent presentation skills and for the significant contribution in plant genomics and plant life sciences that they make to their professions, their teams and their patients through their practice, leadership or research endeavour. Recipient of this award will be chosen by the session chair and co-chair. The awardees will be felicitated after the completion of oral session. Our Psychiatry Conferences encourage researchers from across the globe to take part as a speaker at these prestigious events.

Best Key Note Speaker in Psychiatry Congress 2021: This award recognises the notable presentations given during the course of the Psychiatry conference. It also recognizes the enthusiasm and determination of the speaker to improve the experience of all who they come into contact with. The award will be given based on the impact of presentation on the attendees of the event. We will also be taking into account the references taken from the citations of the keynote speaker. This awardees will be felicitated by one of the members of the organizing panel present during the conference.

Best Organising Committee Member in Psychiatry Congress 2021: This award seeks to recognise the continuous support provided by the Organising Committee Member of the conference. Recipient of this award will be selected by the operating committee of the Vaccine Research 2021. The award will be given based on the support and cooperation provided by a member of the organizing panel from the beginning to the successful completion of the conference.

Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc Thesis work presentation in Psychiatry Congress 2021: This award seeks to recognise the young brains of the current era. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the Young Researchers Forum. This award will be given based on the presentation skills, impact of research and its applications for the Psychiatrists  and Psychology Researches. Participants pursuing Masters, PhD or Post-Doctoral studies are eligible for this award. The awardees will be felicitated after the completion of all the oral presentations delivered under the Young Researchers Forum category.

Best Poster Award in Psychiatry Congress 2021:  This award recognises the best poster presentation given during the course of an event. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the poster session. An award winning poster will be evaluated on presentation content and clarity, innovativeness of approach, communication criteria and scientific aspects. It will also be based on layout, Psychiatrists  and Psychology Researches , and analysis and results description. The awardees will be felicitated after the completion of poster session.

The honours are given for our Plant Genomics conferences to perceive the wide scope of obligations and commitment of Psychiatrists  and Psychology Research, who advance the quickest improvements and inventive practices in the field of plant genome editing and plant science research.  Psychology Research, make an immense commitment to surpass the research practices and introduce new insights of plant life sciences to the globe.


  • All presented abstracts will automatically be considered for the Award.
  • All the awards will be selected by the judges of the award category.
  • The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony.
  • The winners of the Poster Award will receive an award certificate.
  • The awards will be assessed as far as plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and  approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.


  • All submissions must be in English.
  • The topic must fit into scientific sessions of the conference.
  • Each individual participant is allowed to submit maximum 2 papers.
  • Abstract must be submitted online as per the given abstract template.
  • Abstracts must be written in Times New Roman and font size will be 12.
  • Abstract must contain title, name, affiliation, country, speaker’s biography, recent photograph, image and reference.
  • Each poster should be approximately 1x1 M long. The title, contents, and the author’s information should be clearly visible from a distance of 1-2 feet.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 18-19, 2021

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by

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